Thursday, September 23, 2004

Soft Landing Predicted for Overheated Chinese Economy

This is good news for importers of Chinese goods. The Asian Development bank is predicting a soft landing for the overheated Chinese economy. As we've noted previously, no country can continue to grow at China's torrid pace, year-in and year-out. Economists are already baffled at the country's ability to post record numbers almost every year since the 1979 economic opening that started it all. The leaders of the PRC understand that the pace must be gradually slowed to a more sustainable level. This "soft landing" will allow businesses adapt over time, rather than causing massive failures across sectors. Despite a sincere desire to believe its findings, I must question the independence of the Asian Development Bank in producing this optmistic report. Such rosy statements reassure its own investors and keep its financing flowing. Looks like a pretty clear conflict of interest to me...